Cooking with nature

Delicious South Tyrolean recipes at first hand

In spring, on Renon is all about well-being and healthy pleasure. The weekly program ends culinary with a small cooking course. I have tested it for you and I can only advise: Don't miss it!
It's Friday, 4 p.m. We are standing in the kitchen of the Restaurant Wiesenheim around Florian Schweigkofler. Florian has been cooking for 25 years and for some time now he has also been trained as a dietician chef. In front of us are products that are mostly grown on our doorstep on Renon and in the region: stinging nettle, fresh herbs, asparagus, and white cabbage. The menu already makes our mouth water:

Buckwheat and stinging nettle dumplings on coleslaw with bacon
Saddle of veal steak with herb crust on grilled asparagus from Terlano
Lukewarm apple strudel in a glass with vanilla ice cream

Rolling dumplings has to be learned
The menu is refined but can also be mastered by hobby cooks without much effort. As he begins to prepare the dishes, Florian tells us about the increase in food intolerances, how cooking has changed since his apprenticeship 25 years ago and how to vary the dishes. We watch how he mixes, kneads and sears ingredients and learn what is important when cooking dumplings, what you can prepare the day before and why he likes to leave the skin on apples.

Typical South Tyrolean ingredients
Some of the ingredients are very typical of the South Tyrolean cuisine, such as buckwheat flour, asparagus or Kloatzen (dried pears) for the apple strudel. Florian answers all questions confidently and reveals tips and tricks. Time flies and then it is time to prepare the dishes. Florian decorates the plates lovingly. The moment has come: We can taste the menu. Suddenly it becomes quiet in the kitchen. Only more comments like "mmmh" and "delicious" and "wow" can be heard. We are surprised how such a culinary delight can be conjured up from simple ingredients in a relatively short time and go home with filled bellies and a satisfied smile.


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