Happy in the village: 15 awesome places

Sunny awesomeness for vacationers in every village

Nearly 8000 inhabitants call one of the 15 villages of the Renon/Ritten municipality their home. From Atzwang, Sill, Signat, Unterinn and Lengstein, located below 1000 meters, to Wangen, Mittelberg, the principal village Klobenstein, Lengmoos, Wolfsgruben, Oberbozen and Oberinn – all the way to the remote little place Gissman, every single village has its little peculiarities, its gourmet adventures. And, they all boast the renowned spectacular view that grants Ritten its popularity.
Here you will encounter farmers who maintain and cultivate their farms with passion and love, some of which have been family property for generations. Down-to-earth craftsmen are committed to their trade with a drive for innovation and a strong sense of tradition; employees and salesmen make for smooth operations on every single sunny day. In all their diversity they share one thing in particular: They welcome every single guest to their beautiful sunny Renon plateau!

Mor information for Renon-Facts you find here
Hotel am Hang
Hotel am Wolfsgrubenersee
Hotel Tann
Hotel Bemelmans