Weather today, 21.02.2025
Mostly sunny
The sun will shine all over the region, with only a few cirrus clouds passing through.High pressure will ensure calm weather conditions.
The highest temperatures will range from 5° to 12°.
Mountain conditions today, 21.02.2025
Mostly sunny
Temperatures: 1000m = 8° / 2000m = 2° / 3000m = -2°A sunny and relatively mild day in the mountains, the clouds are well above summit level.Weather tomorrow, 22.02.2025
Sun and clouds
The day will be quite sunny, but there will be low stratus clouds in places at the beginning and high cloud fields will pass through during the day.The high will remain, but the air masses will become somewhat more humid.
The highest temperatures range from 5° to 11°.
Mountain conditions tomorrow, 22.02.2025
Sun and clouds
Temperatures: 1000m = 6° / 2000m = -1° / 3000m = -2°Conditions on the mountains are generally quite good. Initially, fog patches may restrict visibility in places, otherwise high cloud fields will pass through.4 Day Weather Forecast
Increasingly cloudy
On Sunday, sunshine will alternate with denser clouds. Monday will begin with low stratus clouds in some areas, otherwise sunshine will predominate. Clouds will increase in the afternoon. On Tuesday, clouds will predominate with a few sunny spells. Wednesday will be cloudy and some precipitation is expected.Sunday
23.02.2025Min -4° / Max 12°
Reliability 70%
24.02.2025Min -3° / Max 12°
Reliability 70%
25.02.2025Min -1° / Max 11°
Reliability 70%
26.02.2025Min 0° / Max 10°
Reliability 70%
21.02.2025 - 18:36
For detailed information on the weather conditions at the Rittner Horn/Corno del Renon consult its meteorological station’s webpage!
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