
Gliding over a snow surface with the power of the wind - that's a very special feeling.
The wide, gentle surfaces make the Rittner Horn winter sports area a top snowkiting spot in South Tyrol.

Two schools show you how it's done:

Kite Alps
Sebastian Trocker
Info: +39 320531 0085

Kite Gym
Fabio Tiboni
Info: +39 3357586078

Winter sports

Discover the many leisurely winter sports of Rittner Horn

For your safety

Piste rescue service in the Rittner Horn ski area

The piste rescue service in the Rittner Horn ski area is provided by the Ritten/Barbian mountain rescue service in cooperation with the White Cross.
It is guaranteed throughout the entire ski area, on all pistes and hiking trails, and Rittner Horn Bergbahnen AG covers the entire costs.

From this winter season, an excess fee of € 150 for each rescue will be introduced. The invoice will be issued by Rittner Horn Bergbahnen AG.

If the rescue helicopter is used, a separate invoice will also be issued by Sanitätsbetrieb Südtirol.
Rescue and recovery costs are usually covered by insurance (accident insurance, travel insurance, rescue and recovery insurance, credit card insurance, annual membership of the White Cross, etc.), so we recommend that you find out about your insurance status in advance.
Hotel Tann
Hotel am Hang
Hotel Bemelmans
Hotel am Wolfsgrubenersee