Culinary trip with the Railway Ritten

Culinary trip with the Railway Ritten
Soprabolzano - Collalbo - Maria Assunta
  • 18.06.2025
  • 25.06.2025
  • 09.07.2025
  • 16.07.2025
Culinary trip with the Railway Ritten - an invitation to an evening of music and a gastronomical trip with the historicold carriages of the Renon Railway. At the five stops the local guest houses will each serve on course, with suitable wines and a musical group will entertain on the trip and at the stops.

Beginning: 7 p.m. at the Oberbozen station: Aperitif and Snacks
at the station: a pleasing soup
at the station: a magnificent Hors d’oeuvre
at the station: The high point – the main course
at the station: a heavenly desert
at the station Oberbozen a liqueur to complete the evening

Price: € 149,-
Reservation: Tourist Office Ritten -

****sParkhotel Holzner, ****Gloriette Guesthouse, ***s Hotel Lichtenstern, ***Hotel Rinner

Sponsored by:
Kellerei Bozen, Kellerei Eisacktal, Kloster-Kellerei Muri-Gries, Kellerei Kaltern, Ansitz Waldgries, Gump Hof, Kohl-Bergapfelsäfte, Dolomite Spirits Zun Plun, Julius Meinl and the "Südtiroler Hotelier- und Gastwirteverband hgv".

Discover diversity at Renon events

The Renon Events Calendar features cultural goodies and exquisite gourmet experience all year round - we set great store by authentic entertainment and amusement here on the Renon mountain. Traditional festivals, the traditional bands’ concerts, Renon Summer Stage and the weekly farmers’ markets are stable pillars of Renon's colorful series of events. These familiar signature events are complemented by cultural and culinary initiatives to always have variety in our events programs, promising delightful and tasty highlights. Sit and listen at a concert in the courtyard of the Commandery Longomoso, indulge in tasty bits at the summer street food festival, savor a ride on the fantastic Culinary Night Train of the Railway Renon, and celebrate the Christmas season at the Christmas Train Market and the Farmers’ Advent. The outdoor ice rink in the Ritten Arena home numerous world cup races in speed skating and the European Pond Hockey Championship...
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