"Barthlmastag" is an important Rittner vacation with a long tradition. It is celebrated annually on August 24 and takes its name from the patron saint of shepherds and farmers, St. Bartholomew. In the past, on this day, the farmers met on the Rittner Alm for the cattle drive and the subsequent market. The cattle of the farmers, who spent the summer on the alp, are herded together at the Saltner hut and driven in at noon with “Goasslschnoellen”, Saltner calls, neighing and yelling. The meeting point is a fenced-in area, the “Stricker Pfarrer”, where in earlier years the Barthlmas market took place, where the farmers met to do various business. Since 1927, the spectacle has been accompanied by the Wangen music band, which has also provided food and drink since the 1960s. After this highlight on the Rittner Alm, the afternoon continues downhill to Pemmern, where the Almfest becomes a meadow festival with music and children’s programs. Over the years, Barthlmastag has become the largest folk festival in Ritten and is known and loved far beyond the borders of the municipality. If the 24th of August falls on a Sunday, the cattle drive and the market are moved to Monday since Sunday is not a market day according to custom.
And this is how you get to the Rittner Alm: Bus 166 from Klobenstein to Pemmern,
timetable and
information bus & shuttle or to the bus stop "Tann" where the "Hirtensteig" starts and from there on the trail no. 1A to the Saltner Hut (walking time approx. 50 minutes).
From Pemmern on the hiking trail no. 1 in approx. 40 minutes to the "Almfest".
From Bolzano with bus 165 every half hour to Klobenstein. Continue with bus 166 or the shuttle buses to Pemmern.
From Bolzano with the Rittner cable car to Oberbozen then with the railway Ritten to Klobenstein and with bus 166 or the paid shuttle buses or on foot.
By walking to the Almfest: From Klobenstein take hiking trail 1 in approx. 65 minutes to the Tann and on the Hirtensteig 1A in approx. 40 minutes to the Rittner Almfest.
From Oberbozen take hiking trail 6 in approx. 70 minutes to the Tann and on the Hirtensteig 1A in approx. 40 minutes to the Rittner Almfest.
From Oberinn take hiking trail 4A + 4 to the Rosswagen and to the Schian and the descent on trail 1 to the Rittner Almfest. Or on trail 10 to Tann, approx. 60 minutes' walk and on the Hirtensteig 1A trail in approx. 45 minutes' walk to the Rittner Almfest.
From Lengstein with bus 165 (departure every hour '43) to Klobenstein and on hiking trail 1 in about 65 minutes to the Tann and on the Hirtensteig 1A in about 45 minutes to the Rittner Almfest.
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